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My journey of soul and life transformation
Hello everyone, I’m angelajia.
As I travel around the world, I am often asked:
“Why are you traveling the world?”
I used to focus on public welfare for left-behind children in China.In 2014, I founded the “Forest Angel” charity organization.Over the past 10 years, our team has helped over 200,000 left-behind children.I have dedicated nearly all of my youth to this cause, working full-time in public welfare.Almost every month, I would visit remote areas such as Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi, Ningxia, and other regions to visit these children in desperate need of help.
Some people ask: “Can public welfare make money?”Actually, doing charity is even more challenging than running a company.After all, profits from a company can be kept for oneself,but the funds raised for public welfare can never be used for personal gain.If someone attempts to misuse public welfare funds,it is not only deception,but a disaster that requires countless lies to cover up.Given such time and energy,it would be wiser to simply run a business,because the risk of getting into moral controversy just isn’t worth it.“If it doesn’t make money, why continue doing charity? Are you crazy?”Many people ask this too.Perhaps, in some people’s eyes, I really do seem “crazy.”But I’ve always believed that “foolish people have their own luck.”The more people you help, the more people will help you in return.
This “good karma” may not make you rich immediately,but it always comes back to you at your most difficult time.And this “good karma”has been fully proven during my world travels.
“Public welfare is my dream and mission.”Doing public welfare is not just my career,
it is my dream and ideal.I was once a left-behind child myself,
so I deeply empathize with the plight of these children.Because I’ve been through the rain myself,I always think about holding an umbrella for others.Seeing these children receive help and regain hope in their eyesbrings me an incredible sense of fulfillment.Public welfare is not just my job,it is also my passion and hobby.In 2014, I founded “Forest Angel”, with its headquarters in Beijing,and I lived and worked in Beijing for 10 years.In March 2023, as many of my friends left Beijing for places like Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen,I began considering whether it was time to move to a new city.After several months of contemplation,I finally decided to move to Shenzhen.
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Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu. Pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Leo in vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas. Vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus. Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet. Eleifend mi in nulla posuere.
Morbi tristique senectus et netus. Est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras. Scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Nisl purus in mollis nunc sed. Quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum.
Pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Leo in vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas. Vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus. Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet. Eleifend mi in nulla posuere.